Death toll of the war...
Distribution of military and...
Civil losses resulting from...
Manpower at the Eastern...
Percent of the German...
Dislocation of German...
German occupation...
Number of divisions of...
Ratio of number of...
German antiaircraft...
German antiaircraft...
Percent of application...
Correlation of the Armed...
Correlation of the Armed...
Objects of heavy industry...
Balance of power at...
Balance of power at the...
Balance of power at the...
Percent of army...
Daily ammunition ...
Centres of oil...
Explored reserves...
Expansion plans of...
Degree of oil...
Petrol consumption...
Combat crashes...
800 German submarines ...
Basic losses of navies...
Losses of German ...
Shot in all war fields...
Shot in all war fields...
Measure of efficiency...
Percent of bombing...
Percent of death...